Android6.0 loadlibrary源码分析

2016/03/08 Android



System.load(String pathName)
System.loadLibraray(String libName)




  1. 首先来看System.load的实现:
public static void load(String pathName) {
    Runtime.getRuntime().load(pathName, VMStack.getCallingClassLoader());


   * Loads the given shared library using the given ClassLoader.
  void load(String absolutePath, ClassLoader loader) {
      if (absolutePath == null) {
          throw new NullPointerException("absolutePath == null");
      String error = doLoad(absolutePath, loader);
      if (error != null) {
          throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError(error);


private String doLoad(String name, ClassLoader loader) {
    // Android apps are forked from the zygote, so they can't have a custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
    // which means that by default an app's shared library directory isn't on LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

    // The PathClassLoader set up by frameworks/base knows the appropriate path, so we can load
    // libraries with no dependencies just fine, but an app that has multiple libraries that
    // depend on each other needed to load them in most-dependent-first order.

    // We added API to Android's dynamic linker so we can update the library path used for
    // the currently-running process. We pull the desired path out of the ClassLoader here
    // and pass it to nativeLoad so that it can call the private dynamic linker API.

    // We didn't just change frameworks/base to update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH once at the
    // beginning because multiple apks can run in the same process and third party code can
    // use its own BaseDexClassLoader.

    // We didn't just add a dlopen_with_custom_LD_LIBRARY_PATH call because we wanted any
    // dlopen(3) calls made from a .so's JNI_OnLoad to work too.

    // So, find out what the native library search path is for the ClassLoader in question...
    String ldLibraryPath = null;
    if (loader != null && loader instanceof BaseDexClassLoader) {
        // 获得so的路径
        ldLibraryPath = ((BaseDexClassLoader) loader).getLdLibraryPath();
    // nativeLoad should be synchronized so there's only one LD_LIBRARY_PATH in use regardless
    // of how many ClassLoaders are in the system, but dalvik doesn't support synchronized
    // internal natives.
    synchronized (this) {
        return nativeLoad(name, loader, ldLibraryPath);


static jstring Runtime_nativeLoad(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring javaFilename, jobject javaLoader,
                                  jstring javaLdLibraryPathJstr) {
  ScopedUtfChars filename(env, javaFilename);
  if (filename.c_str() == nullptr) {
    return nullptr;

  SetLdLibraryPath(env, javaLdLibraryPathJstr);

  std::string error_msg;
    JavaVMExt* vm = Runtime::Current()->GetJavaVM();
    bool success = vm->LoadNativeLibrary(env, filename.c_str(), javaLoader, &error_msg);
    if (success) {
      return nullptr;
  // Don't let a pending exception from JNI_OnLoad cause a CheckJNI issue with NewStringUTF.
  return env->NewStringUTF(error_msg.c_str());


// 该代码的位置:art/runtime/
bool JavaVMExt::LoadNativeLibrary(JNIEnv* env, const std::string& path, jobject class_loader,
                                  std::string* error_msg) {

  // See if we've already loaded this library.  If we have, and the class loader
  // matches, return successfully without doing anything.
  // TODO: for better results we should Canonicalize the pathname (or even compare
  // inodes). This implementation is fine if everybody is using System.loadLibrary.
  SharedLibrary* library;
  Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    // TODO: move the locking (and more of this logic) into Libraries.
    MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::jni_libraries_lock_);
    library = libraries_->Get(path);
  if (library != nullptr) {
    if (env->IsSameObject(library->GetClassLoader(), class_loader) == JNI_FALSE) {
      // The library will be associated with class_loader. The JNI
      // spec says we can't load the same library into more than one
      // class loader.
      StringAppendF(error_msg, "Shared library \"%s\" already opened by "
          "ClassLoader %p; can't open in ClassLoader %p",
          path.c_str(), library->GetClassLoader(), class_loader);
      LOG(WARNING) << error_msg;
      return false;
    VLOG(jni) << "[Shared library \"" << path << "\" already loaded in "
              << " ClassLoader " << class_loader << "]";
    if (!library->CheckOnLoadResult()) {
      StringAppendF(error_msg, "JNI_OnLoad failed on a previous attempt "
          "to load \"%s\"", path.c_str());
      return false;
    return true;
  // Open the shared library.  Because we're using a full path, the system
  // doesn't have to search through LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  (It may do so to
  // resolve this library's dependencies though.)

  // Failures here are expected when java.library.path has several entries
  // and we have to hunt for the lib.

  // Below we dlopen but there is no paired dlclose, this would be necessary if we supported
  // class unloading. Libraries will only be unloaded when the reference count (incremented by
  // dlopen) becomes zero from dlclose.

  const char* path_str = path.empty() ? nullptr : path.c_str();
   // 从这个地方可以看到,调用的还是dlopen
  void* handle = dlopen(path_str, RTLD_NOW);
  bool needs_native_bridge = false;
  if (handle == nullptr) {
    if (android::NativeBridgeIsSupported(path_str)) {
      handle = android::NativeBridgeLoadLibrary(path_str, RTLD_NOW);
      needs_native_bridge = true;

  VLOG(jni) << "[Call to dlopen(\"" << path << "\", RTLD_NOW) returned " << handle << "]";

  if (handle == nullptr) {
    *error_msg = dlerror();
    VLOG(jni) << "dlopen(\"" << path << "\", RTLD_NOW) failed: " << *error_msg;
    return false;

  if (env->ExceptionCheck() == JNI_TRUE) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected exception:";
  // Create a new entry.
  // TODO: move the locking (and more of this logic) into Libraries.
  bool created_library = false;
    // Create SharedLibrary ahead of taking the libraries lock to maintain lock ordering.
    std::unique_ptr<SharedLibrary> new_library(
        new SharedLibrary(env, self, path, handle, class_loader));
    MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::jni_libraries_lock_);
    library = libraries_->Get(path);
    if (library == nullptr) {  // We won race to get libraries_lock.
      library = new_library.release();
      libraries_->Put(path, library);
      created_library = true;
  if (!created_library) {
    LOG(INFO) << "WOW: we lost a race to add shared library: "
        << "\"" << path << "\" ClassLoader=" << class_loader;
    return library->CheckOnLoadResult();
  VLOG(jni) << "[Added shared library \"" << path << "\" for ClassLoader " << class_loader << "]";

  bool was_successful = false;
  void* sym;
  if (needs_native_bridge) {
    sym = library->FindSymbolWithNativeBridge("JNI_OnLoad", nullptr);
  } else {
    sym = dlsym(handle, "JNI_OnLoad");
  if (sym == nullptr) {
    VLOG(jni) << "[No JNI_OnLoad found in \"" << path << "\"]";
    was_successful = true;
  } else {
    // Call JNI_OnLoad.  We have to override the current class
    // loader, which will always be "null" since the stuff at the
    // top of the stack is around Runtime.loadLibrary().  (See
    // the comments in the JNI FindClass function.)
    ScopedLocalRef<jobject> old_class_loader(env, env->NewLocalRef(self->GetClassLoaderOverride()));

    VLOG(jni) << "[Calling JNI_OnLoad in \"" << path << "\"]";
    typedef int (*JNI_OnLoadFn)(JavaVM*, void*);
    JNI_OnLoadFn jni_on_load = reinterpret_cast<JNI_OnLoadFn>(sym);
    int version = (*jni_on_load)(this, nullptr);

    if (runtime_->GetTargetSdkVersion() != 0 && runtime_->GetTargetSdkVersion() <= 21) {


    if (version == JNI_ERR) {
      StringAppendF(error_msg, "JNI_ERR returned from JNI_OnLoad in \"%s\"", path.c_str());
    } else if (IsBadJniVersion(version)) {
      StringAppendF(error_msg, "Bad JNI version returned from JNI_OnLoad in \"%s\": %d",
                    path.c_str(), version);
      // It's unwise to call dlclose() here, but we can mark it
      // as bad and ensure that future load attempts will fail.
      // We don't know how far JNI_OnLoad got, so there could
      // be some partially-initialized stuff accessible through
      // newly-registered native method calls.  We could try to
      // unregister them, but that doesn't seem worthwhile.
    } else {
      was_successful = true;
    VLOG(jni) << "[Returned " << (was_successful ? "successfully" : "failure")
              << " from JNI_OnLoad in \"" << path << "\"]";

  return was_successful;


void* dlopen(const char* filename, int flags) {
  return dlopen_ext(filename, flags, nullptr);


static void* dlopen_ext(const char* filename, int flags, const android_dlextinfo* extinfo) {
  ScopedPthreadMutexLocker locker(&g_dl_mutex);
  soinfo* result = do_dlopen(filename, flags, extinfo);
  if (result == nullptr) {
    __bionic_format_dlerror("dlopen failed", linker_get_error_buffer());
    return nullptr;
  return result;


source @ bionic/linker/linker.cpp#1667
soinfo* do_dlopen(const char* name, int flags, const android_dlextinfo* extinfo) {
    DL_ERR("invalid flags to dlopen: %x", flags);
    return nullptr;
  if (extinfo != nullptr) {
    if ((extinfo->flags & ~(ANDROID_DLEXT_VALID_FLAG_BITS)) != 0) {
      DL_ERR("invalid extended flags to android_dlopen_ext: 0x%" PRIx64, extinfo->flags);
      return nullptr;
    if ((extinfo->flags & ANDROID_DLEXT_USE_LIBRARY_FD) == 0 &&
        (extinfo->flags & ANDROID_DLEXT_USE_LIBRARY_FD_OFFSET) != 0) {
      DL_ERR("invalid extended flag combination (ANDROID_DLEXT_USE_LIBRARY_FD_OFFSET without "
          "ANDROID_DLEXT_USE_LIBRARY_FD): 0x%" PRIx64, extinfo->flags);
      return nullptr;

  ProtectedDataGuard guard;
  soinfo* si = find_library(name, flags, extinfo);
  if (si != nullptr) {
  return si;


source @: /bionic/linker/linker.cpp
static soinfo* find_library(const char* name, int rtld_flags, const android_dlextinfo* extinfo) {
  soinfo* si;

  if (name == nullptr) {
    si = somain;
  } else if (!find_libraries(nullptr, &name, 1, &si, nullptr, 0, rtld_flags, extinfo)) {
    return nullptr;

  return si;


static bool find_libraries(soinfo* start_with, const char* const library_names[],
      size_t library_names_count, soinfo* soinfos[], std::vector<soinfo*>* ld_preloads,
      size_t ld_preloads_count, int rtld_flags, const android_dlextinfo* extinfo) {
  // Step 0: prepare.
  LoadTaskList load_tasks;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < library_names_count; ++i) {
    const char* name = library_names[i];
    load_tasks.push_back(LoadTask::create(name, start_with));

  // Construct global_group.
  soinfo::soinfo_list_t global_group = make_global_group();

  // If soinfos array is null allocate one on stack.
  // The array is needed in case of failure; for example
  // when library_names[] = {,} and
  // is loaded correctly but failed for some reason.
  // In this case should be unloaded on return.
  // See also implementation of failure_guard below.

  if (soinfos == nullptr) {
    size_t soinfos_size = sizeof(soinfo*)*library_names_count;
    soinfos = reinterpret_cast<soinfo**>(alloca(soinfos_size));
    memset(soinfos, 0, soinfos_size);

  // list of libraries to link - see step 2.
  size_t soinfos_count = 0;

  auto failure_guard = make_scope_guard([&]() {
    // Housekeeping
    load_tasks.for_each([] (LoadTask* t) {

    for (size_t i = 0; i<soinfos_count; ++i) {

  // Step 1: load and pre-link all DT_NEEDED libraries in breadth first order.
  for (LoadTask::unique_ptr task(load_tasks.pop_front());
      task.get() != nullptr; task.reset(load_tasks.pop_front())) {
    soinfo* si = find_library_internal(load_tasks, task->get_name(), rtld_flags, extinfo);
    if (si == nullptr) {
      return false;

    soinfo* needed_by = task->get_needed_by();

    if (needed_by != nullptr) {

    if (si->is_linked()) {

    // When ld_preloads is not null, the first
    // ld_preloads_count libs are in fact ld_preloads.
    if (ld_preloads != nullptr && soinfos_count < ld_preloads_count) {
      // Add LD_PRELOADed libraries to the global group for future runs.
      // There is no need to explicitly add them to the global group
      // for this run because they are going to appear in the local
      // group in the correct order.
      si->set_dt_flags_1(si->get_dt_flags_1() | DF_1_GLOBAL);

    if (soinfos_count < library_names_count) {
      soinfos[soinfos_count++] = si;

  // Step 2: link libraries.
  soinfo::soinfo_list_t local_group;
      start_with == nullptr ? soinfos : &start_with,
      start_with == nullptr ? soinfos_count : 1,
      [&] (soinfo* si) {
    return true;

  // We need to increment ref_count in case
  // the root of the local group was not linked.
  bool was_local_group_root_linked = local_group.front()->is_linked();

  bool linked = local_group.visit([&](soinfo* si) {
    if (!si->is_linked()) {
      if (!si->link_image(global_group, local_group, extinfo)) {
        return false;

    return true;

  if (linked) {

  if (!was_local_group_root_linked) {

  return linked;


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